1840 Avondale Ave # 4, Sacramento, CA 95825
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TMJ Services in Sacramento CA | Smita Khandwala, DDS

Problems with the temporomandibular joint (abbreviated as “TMJ”) often go undiagnosed for years. It takes a person with special training to identify pain or poor function that stems from a TMJ problem.

Symptoms of TMJ problems can include:

  • Pain or sore areas in the jaw
  • Aches around the TMJ or the ear
  • Difficulty or pain while chewing or biting
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth
  • Locking of the TMJ
  • Grating noise when moving the jaw

These problems can result from a variety of causes. For example:

  • Joint damage resulting from arthritis
  • Injury to the joint after a blow or accident
  • Misalignment of the TMJ

Dr. Khandwala is trained to diagnose and treat a problem with the TMJ. Some TMJ problems will respond to a realignment of the teeth so the mouth closes properly. Alternatively, a night guard can be provided if there is TMJ inflammation resulting from grinding of the teeth. If you suffer from any of the symptoms above, please consult with Dr. Khandwala for care to resolve the problem.

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Office Hours

Mon to Thu: 8:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Fri: Last Friday of each month, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Sat: Second Saturday of each month, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Sun: Closed 

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