1840 Avondale Ave # 4, Sacramento, CA 95825
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Crowns and Bridges

Crowns and Bridges in Sacramento CA | Smita Khandwala, DDS

As part of her general dentistry services, Dr. Khandwala provides patients with crowns and bridges to restore their smiles and the functionality of their teeth.

A crown can protect an injured, weakened or broken tooth. The affected tooth can last for many more years once the strong ceramic crown is fit over the tooth.

A bridge serves as a tooth replacement for one or two missing teeth in a row and is very durable. To place a bridge, two teeth on either side of a gap will be reshaped so a cap can fit over them. A bridge consisting of two caps (or crowns) and one or more replacement teeth will then be manufactured and placed over and between the reshaped teeth.

With every crown or bridge, Dr. Khandwala takes special care to match the color and shape of the patient’s other teeth. She has chosen the best and most reliable dental labs in the area to create these restorations for her patients. Crowns and bridges should not only repair a smile, they should also preserve the smile’s aesthetics.

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Office Hours

Mon to Thu: 8:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Fri: Last Friday of each month, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Sat: Second Saturday of each month, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Sun: Closed 

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